Thursday, March 5, 2015

DAMAGED GOODS: New Perspectives on Christian Purity by Dianna E. Anderson, Faith Works/Center Street, Jericho Books

“Current purity movements and theological strictures tell us that making this journey means we must master and control our flesh, subdue it…Instead of our fighting against our own bodies, holiness needs to be about integration and moderation.”

Dianna E. Anderson discusses Christian purity questioning the teaching principles that are based upon the bible and how that affects the person who fights to control their flesh by not having sex before marriage.

In Damaged Goods, there is discussion on the church teaching modern relaxed issues concerning areas of sex before marriage as Christians struggle with the flesh and the spirit within. There is also mention of the feeling of guilt once having sex outside marriage which blame is put upon the church and its teachings, but in my opinion, the actual problem is that guilt feelings comes from the flesh fighting with the spirit knowing the difference between right and wrong according to God’s Word.

You cannot mask wrong and say it is okay to test the waters of sex before marriage by exploring your sexuality without facing consequences. If you believe in God’s Word, you will fight the flesh and not the spirit that guides you in the right direction. This book has plenty of voiced concerns and brings good points to the forefront and all I can do is recommend that you read for yourself and see how you feel about the message given.

 I leave you with this verse: Romans 8:1, Authorized King James Version

“There is therefore now no condemnation to them which are in Christ Jesus,
who walk not after the flesh, but after the Spirit.”

I received this book free from Faith Words/Center Street through the Net Galley reviewer program in exchange for an honest opinion in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission.

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