Sunday, December 17, 2017

Glory Days by Max Lucado, Thomas Nelson Publisher

"Personalize that promise. Put your name in the blanks."
Max Lucado 
Chapter 1 - Glory Days, page 11

I opened this book and began reading Chapter 1 entitled Glory Days. Something inside of me started rise as my eyes filled with tears until the last word of this chapter. I compared my life with the bondage in Egypt, the wandering in the wilderness, and reaching the Promised Land Life in Canaan.

As it is said many times, “the struggle is real,” the struggle is different for every person yet similar in some instances. I came to realize before going on to Chapter 2, Inherit Your Inheritance, I have arrived in Canaan without knowing I had finally came out of the wilderness.

What did it for me? The end of Chapter 1 and the short exercise to place your name in the blanks: And the Lord gave unto Edythe all the land which he sware to give unto their fathers: and Edythe possessed it, and dwelt therein.
And the Lord gave Edythe rest round about, according to all the sware unto their fathers: and there stood not a man of her enemies before her; the Lord delivered all her enemies into her hand.There failed not ought of any good thing which the Lord had spoken unto the house Edythe; all came to pass.(Joshua 21:43-45)

I noticed that at the end of each chapter there was sentence that relayed a message. I began writing down the last sentence of every chapter and re-read them.

1) Ready to march? 2) Get ready to cross Jordan
3) Whenever I wander too far from my Master’s voice, my life is ruff, ruff, ruff, 4) We will all know “Amazing Grace” by heart, 5) Yours will too,
6) Then, and only then, will you be ready to face Jericho, 7)  Let Him be your strength,
8) It’s just a matter of time before your Jericho comes down, 9) He will catch you every single time,
10) You may have missed a goal, but you’re still part of God’s team, 11) It was built for people like us, 12) And bring extra sunscreen, because the day of victory will last long into the night,
13) You be you, 14) You are a Promised Land person,
15) And I choose faith, 16) These days are Glory Days

Is just me? Or do you see a message too?

I recommend this book to all for enlightenment to the glory days and help with crossing your Jordan. There are excellent Bible references used as guidelines for this inspirational book. I truly enjoyed reading and performing the exercise.

I received this book from Thomas Nelson Publishers through the Litfuse Reviewer Program, in exchange for an honest opinion in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission Guidelines.

MURDER ON THE MOOR Juliana Deering Bethany Publishing

Drew and Madeline Farthering are contacted by Drew’s friend with whom he attended school, to assist in solving the murder of the town’s vicar, amid other odd incident

School friend Beaky Bloodworth married a very beautiful woman, Sabrina, that Drew believes is someway involved in the eerie happenings in Buntings Nest and the Bloodworth Park Lodge, which beaky owns as part of a family inheritance. Madeline on the other hand disagrees with Drew’s suspicions of Sabrina as a suspect.

As Drew and Madeline delve deeper into the town’s weird occurrences, they reveal more information regarding the Bloodworth family. At one point, Drew becomes a main suspect in one of the murders in Buntings Nest.

Overall, the novel has a good plot but I felt was a little wordy and may have been edited to shorten the lengthiness. Good read for persons who like mystery and suspense novels in an English countryside setting.

I received this book from Bethany Publishing in exchange for an honest opinion in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission guidelines.

Thursday, December 14, 2017

On the Road with Del & Louise, A Novel in Stories by Art Taylor, Henery Press

On the Road with Del & Louise is the story of a woman while employed at a 7-11 convenience store robbed by the man whom she eventually falls in love and alongside Del begins to lead a life of crime.  Their romance and Del’s criminal activities lead to living life on the lam from New Mexico to California, and from North Carolina to Las Vegas to North Dakota.

Del & Louise’s adventurous travels include mayhem in the world of real estate, sophisticated art galleries, wine tasting in Napa Valley to changing their identities by adopting the first names of Bonnie and Clyde. The story unfolds through the eyes of Louise (Bonnie) as she occasionally contemplates whether to stay with Del (Clyde) in continuing this lifestyle.

I recommend to readers of drama, romance, and Bonnie and Clyde fans for an adventure from state to state. I received this book from Henery Press through the Net Galley Reviewer Program in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission guidelines.

Fatal Trauma by Richard L. Mabry, MD

“Nobody move!” starts Chapter 1, page 1 with a lone gunman holding a nurse hostage as he points a pistol against her head to force the emergency room doctor to help his brother who was shot.

Mark baker is dating Kelly Atkinson, the nurse held hostage and Anna King the surgeon whom he assisted in the emergency room on the police officer shot in a gun battle with the deceased perpetrator.

After a doctor involved with the treatment of the perpetrator’s brother dies, Mark believes he knows who is responsible and wonders if his and others involved that night are in danger.

Fatal Trauma is a good read but at times felt a little wordy. Dr. Baker’s relationships seemed awkward and unbalanced between Kelly and Anna.
Overall, I enjoyed the plot, suspense, and setting of this novel. I recommend to readers of medical, romance, and suspense novels.

I received this book from Abingdon Press through the Net Galley Book Review program in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission Guidelines.

Seal Team Six: Hunt the Fox by Don Mann and Ralph Pezzullo, Mulholland Books

Another action-packed adventure for the Seal Team Six elite as Crocker goes into action in the first few pages of Chapter 1 when his partner Jared, a CIA Operative is killed.  During an operation in Istanbul, all action is transpiring at a brisk pace. I was beginning Chapter 3 within five minutes (I have never taken a speed-reading course).

Mancini, Suarez, Davis, and Akil are back to join forces with Crocker in saving the day by locating Weapons of Mass Destruction before they are used by the enemy.

This is the fifth novel in the Seal Team Six series and I cannot wait for the next installment. The great action and camaraderie of the team is what a good action-packed novel needs. I recommend to persons who like action, CIA Operative, and combat novels with a bang. 

Happy reading!

I received this book from Mulholland Books through the Net Galley Book Reviewer Program in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission Guidelines.

BOSS BITCH A Simple 12-Step Plan to Take Charge of Your Career NICOLE LAPIN Crown Business, Crown Publishing Group Penguin Random House, LLC

Nicole Lapin explains in her own way “to take charge of your career” by being the Boss Bitch. Fine and dandy you can learn to take charge of your career by using pointers from reading books but with plenty of cursing in this edition, for me, it took away from the main point.

Section 1, Step 2: Be the CEO of You: Run Your Life Like a Business and Section 3, Step 3: How the Heck Do You Start a Business Anyway?! are noteworthy sections with points on developing your business sense.

I felt as though Ms. Lapin was trying to be ‘too hip’ in relaying her 12-Step Plan which has good advice. Although, it would have gone over with me a little better if it were in a conference setting with less profanity.

I received this book through the Blogging for Books reviewer program in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission guidelines. 

Tuesday, December 12, 2017

Longing for Paris by Sarah Mae, Tyndale Momentum

Longing for Paris by Sarah Mae
Tyndale Momentum
“What my longings, and why are they there?
We do not walk alone.”
The Catalyst, pages xxv, xxvi – Sarah Mae

Sarah’s parents lived on the outskirts of Paris conveying its beauty, the food and lives that created a yearning and goal to visit someday.

Desperately seeking what she meant to God as a woman, Sarah used 2 Samuel and the Book of Job from the Bible as guidance. Ms. Mae compared feelings and question, her longings and wants regarding her purpose as a woman in God’s eyes.

Delving deeper into the reading of this book, I began to regard I as more a Bible study guide than a personal journey. Maybe I was lost or did not understand in which direction the author was going, but for me, it seemed to go all over the place.

The Bible references were excellent reads with the stories of Job and David as partial guidelines. There are Search-Your-Heart questions in the last chapter concerning the trust you put in God’s hands with more scripture quotes. There is a Group Discussion Guide rounding out the book, which is good for study groups.

I recommend to those who may need an additional guide to the Bible for the Book of Job and 2 Samuel and group bible study guides.

I received this book from Tyndale Publishers in exchange for an honest opinion in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission guidelines.

God For the Rest of Us by Vince Antonucci, Tyndale House Publishing, Inc.

“In this theology, we can never up on anyone because our God
was one who had a particularly soft spot for sinners.”
Bishop Desmond Tutu, Dedication Page

 “That’s why Jesus came. It was an all-out search-and-rescue Mission.
It was to get God’s lost children home.”
Vince Antonucci, Chapter 1, page 9

Vince Antonucci shares several stories of everyday persons and the struggles they have pertaining to common problems. While reading the book areas of compelling stories stood out to me that are Chapter 3 – God for the Shame Filled and Chapter 6 – God for the Doubters.

Chapter 9 – God for the Worriers, “The stress of it all is debilitating. Worry smothers the emotional life right out of us…..Worry can also choke and strangle us spiritually.” If you are a believer, this can be very true when it comes to worrying over problems that you cannot seem to get a handle on in certain situations. Chapter 10 – God for Sin City is entitled The Search for Water is telling of God’s grace and His living water that is available for all who thirst.

Vince Antonucci complied his own and others experiences of everyday life, along with comparisons of Jesus’ teachings that, unbelievably, are very similar in nature.

This is an easy read while Antonucci breaks down each chapter and sub-headings in a way you can relate to. He also knows how to use humor at the right moments. I recommend to persons who seek further research in spirituality on subjects of shame, doubt, worrying, the forgotten, and the broken-hearted to name a few that show they are not the only person dealing with certain situations.

I received this book free from Tyndale Publishers in exchange for an honest opinion in accordance with the Federal Trade Regulations.

Monday, December 11, 2017

Is Genesis History? (DVD) Hosted by Del Tackett, Creator of "The Truth Project"

Questions asked in Is Genesis History? - DVD film are: Did God create the world in a few or billions of years? Did we descend from apes or created instantly? Was there a great flood? Is Genesis really history?

Steve Austin PhD, Geologist-Grand Canyon shares information that 17 different advances and retreats of the ocean extended over time creating the Grand Staircase. Sandstone, limestone, and granite layers were created through the power of water on a colossal scale wherein a lot of water rushed through in a very little time.

Conventional paradigm and Genesis paradigm is billions of years created during a time period versus six days of creation which was already a work in progress.

Andrew Snelling, SP Crater and Sedona, Arizona relays that you cannot use present day rate processes to understand how quickly and majestically the scale the geological record accumulated.

Explained in the film are 5 Epochs that describe the First Epoch as the creation, which took six days. The Second Epoch was the Edenian period of Adam and Eve, the Third Epoch was the Ante-Diluvian period, which was before the flood after the fall of man. Each epoch has different critters, plants, and continents that changed position. The flood brought radical change to the earth. The Fourth Epoch was the Post-Flood that created the Ice Age (consequence of the heating of water during the flood). This is in turn created the enormous volcanoes with earthquakes continuing adjustment.  Earth is still in the recovery process from the flood. The Fifth Epoch is what they call the Modern Epoch referring to “ ‘speaking’ to the rocks while studying the Bible to see evidence of prior worlds.”

Christian Movies are one thing, but the geological science findings in this movie are astounding from my point of view. I had to watch it twice to make sure I understood the astronomical information in relation to the Bible. There are several scientists from different fields such as Geologists, Hebraist, Philosopher of Science, Paleontologists, Taphonomist, Microbiologists, Marine Biologist, Biologist, Astronomer, Archeologist, and a Pastor adding their professional knowledge of the subject in this film.

I definitely recommend to all believers who want a clearer picture of the beginning from the standpoint of scientific experts that enhances the Book of Genesis, and for those who will refute the evidence found as well. I truly enjoyed the information contained within this film.

Sunday, December 10, 2017

Psalm Hymns Books, 1,,2, & 3 (Volume One) and Caroling through the Psalms by L.L. Larkins

Psalm Hymns is comprised of Psalm 1 through Psalm 89 from the Bible. Each has its own notes relaying from which Psalm it comes and the meaning behind its words. They also have a musical tune reference accompanying the hymn lyrics, many that are familiar to church musicians and choirs such as I’ll Fly Away, Leaning on the Everlasting Arm, His Eye is on the Sparrow and Amazing Grace. Even though the tunes for these hymns are familiar, the lyrics themselves are different. 

Accompanying the Psalm Hymn Book is Caroling through the Psalms that include wonderful hymns set to Christmas tunes for the enjoyment of all during the holiday season.

I recommend these books for Music Directors, Choirs, Soloists, Praise Teams, and individuals wanting fresh interchangeable lyrics to old hymn songs.

I received these books free through the Book Crash reviewer program in exchange for an honest opinion in accordance with the guidelines of the Federal Trade Commission Guidelines.



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