Wednesday, March 5, 2014

The Lost Sisterhood by Anne Fortier, Random House

Dr. Diana Morgan is a philologist for university in Oxford, England. She has long believed that the Amazon Warrior Women existed. When Mr. Ludwig, an unknown man, approaches Diana with the chance of a lifetime opportunity, she is very hesitant. She has been invited to an excavation site relating to the Amazon Warriors.

As Diana reminisces from past to present, she also remembers the journal she gave her grandmother for a Christmas gift. When she passes, the journal is in the possession of Diana that shows words, symbols, and transcriptions of a foreign language. Her grandmother also believed in the existence of Amazon Warriors. Diana remembers the photograph Mr. Ludwig showed her of very similar symbols and transcriptions. Diana accepts the invite and travels to Africa to join the site team.

Once there, she meets the site leader, Nick Barran, her Middle Eastern guide. They do not immediately become the best of friends. The excavation site is mysteriously blown up, and Diana and Nick embark on several adventures to look for any remnants of an Amazon Warrior’s previous existence. As they become closer to the truth of whether or not the Amazon’s ever existing, Diana and Nick learn that they both have certain information never shared with each other, or the inside world of historical societies. Was Diana’s grandmother close to the truth about Amazon Warriors or was it just an obsession? As far as the world is concerned, Amazons are fiction, folklore, and myth at best. Or is it?

Anne Fortier gives a great history lesson on the Amazon Warriors. The novel is written as a story within a story. Ms. Fortier teaches us the legendary stories and history of Amazons, while sharing with us a love story.  I usually do not read lengthy novels, but this one was worth it. I recommend this novel for persons wanting more history on the Amazon Warriors with a modern day love story.

I received this book free from Random House Publishing Group, Ballantine Books for this unbiased review.


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