Friday, December 19, 2014


The setting is 1806 Russia with Alex Ruzhensky who is a Russian Officer instructed by his father to travel to Munich to kill the man who killed his son and Alex’s brother in a duel. The father is full of revenge that transfers to Alex as he begins his retribution journey to execute a murder in the name of his father.

Arriving in Munich Alex is invited to join German soldiers for a round of drinks in a tavern and attentively listens as they relate the story of that fateful day of demise for his brother without their knowledge of Alex’s relationship with the defeated. Alex continues his search for the enemy of his father and once found a completely new set of events occurs leading Alex to search his mind and soul as to the true reason for being there.

While reading The Hour of Parade I created a movie version in my mind that filmed in black and white as if it were from the film noir era. Thoughtfully written with attention to detail from the 1800’s era in Germany and Russia, Alan Bray places you in the middle of a revenge seeking drama provoking you to rethink when to bring the ‘an eye for an eye’ adage into play. I recommend to historical fiction fans for a tale of exciting adventure and revenge that rings true to human nature.

I received this book free from Independent Book Publishers Association (IBPA) through the Net Galley reviewer program in exchange for an honest opinion in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission Guidelines.

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