Saturday, September 21, 2019

NKJV, Vines Expository Bible, A Guided Journey Through the Scriptures with Pastor Jerry Vines By Jerry Vines, Thomas Nelson Publishers

The Vines Expository Bible, A Guided Journey Through the Scriptures 
with Pastor Jerry Vines

So, with the prayer that you will experience the same abounding joy 
I did as a nine-year-old boy, I invite you to begin your journey through 
The Vines Expository Bible!
- Pastor Jerry Vines, Letter of Greeting 

Pastor Jerry Vines is a well renowned “Baptist pastor and teacher for over 60 years” (inside back cover). He has taken on the task of adding his interpretations of Bible Scripture through “Introducing’ (each book of the Bible); “Discerning the Message,” along with “Applying the Message” and “Living the Message.” I chose a small scripture to give an idea of what was learned while perusing the The Vines Expository Bible.
          (15) “who show the work of the law written in their hearts, their
          conscience also bearing witness, and between themselves
their thoughts accusing or else excusing (them) (16) in the day when God will judge the secrets of men by Jesus Christ, according to my gospel.”

          Discerning the Meaning – Romans 2:15

Heart The original form of the Greek word kardia, means “to quiver” or “to palpitate,” denoting the action of the heart muscle. Our word cardiac has its origins here. This word refers specifically to the heart organ but more generally to the center of life and the seat of thoughts, morality, and emotion. Kardia makes no separation between the physical boy and the soul—both are encapsulated in one word. All the actions of one’s inner life take place in the heart, including personality, mental activity, feelings, understanding and will (Rom. 2:15). The Lord sees the thoughts and intentions of the heart, and he dwells within our heats through faith.

Pastor Vines shares his knowledge on applying discernment to scripture and explains in a way that is easily understood. “Applying the Message – Romans 3:22)” …So, rather than asking, do you believe, my question to you is in whom do you believe? Have you placed your trust in Jesus Christ?

The Vines Expository Bible is a good Bible to add to any collection already in use and an excellent addition to your regular Bible(s) and recommended to all seeking deeper knowledge and discernment of Bible Scripture.

I received this book from Thomas Nelson Publishing, in accordance with Federal Trade Commission Guidelines, in exchange for an honest review through the Book Reviewer Program.

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