Thursday, April 10, 2014

MISSION DRIFT by Peter Greer and Chris Horst

Mission Drift begins with the mission history of two infamous universities, Harvard (1636) and Yale (1701).  Their original mission foundation was based on Christianity. They soon drifted from their primary mission of Christianity to secularization. This informational book is not afraid to name names of such Mission Drifters.

In Chapter 4, there is discussion on the challenges Dr. Albert Mohler faced when he was elected president of Southern Baptist Theological Seminary. Before his appointment, the staff openly questioned the resurrection of Christ, his birth of the Virgin Mary, and did not believe in the Holy Trinity. And so it began, either you believe or you don’t. As a staffed employee, if you were a non-believer, you were dismissed. I believe Dr. Mohler’s actions were justified. How can one teach at a Christian Seminary and not believe in Jesus Christ?

In addition to discussions in this chapter, there is a Mission Drift Survey to determine if your organization has fallen off the path in regards to their mission. The grid is sectioned into three parts: Mission True, Mission Drift, and Mission Untrue. It is a guide to help your organization redirect to its initial mission.

Further information included is hiring of board members and staff, and the acceptance of donor contributions. The board and staff members beliefs should match that of the organization they are considering employment. It is communicated how many donors try to convince Christian organizations to tone down the Christianity upon which it is based, in exchange for contributions.

This book has high-quality information for Christian organizations seeking to safeguard their original mission. It gives examples of faith-based organizations that drifted and never returned. I recommend this book to faith-based organizations and companies to be used as a reference guide. It could be distributed to board members and staffers as a gifting opportunity as well.

I will end with my favorite quote from the book, Mr. David Wills, president of National Christians Foundation stated,

“Crystal clear vision is the starting point for
avoiding Mission Drift….If you don’t know
where you are going, any road will get you

I received this book free from Bethany House Publishers for an unbiased and honest review.

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