Sophia Montgomery and her mother Nina were attacked in their home by men looking for an item that Nina refuses to reveal its location resulting in one of the attackers to strangle Sophia damaging her vocal chords. Nina holds a dark secret from twenty years ago regarding the sought after item the attackers seek for their employer and she is intent on keeping it safe.
Enter Detective Julian Frazier who is lead detective on the case and Charlie Wallace a professional lip reader working with law enforcement agencies who is helping to translate for Sophia. While investigating the case Julian is slowly drawn to Sophia who has hero syndrome resulting from Julian’s kindness during her recovery from the traumatic event. As the case progresses, Sophia is not out of danger as once thought when the same intruders come for a second visit to retrieve the lost item in question.
Robin Caroll takes you on a mysterious journey through a young woman’s brutal attack and an emotional ride to recovery as this crime drama draws the reader closer to discovering the reason for such a horrid act. This novel is for mystery, crime drama, and book sleuths wishing for an enjoyable challenge that is not easy and automatic to develop a conclusion. The discussion questions at the end of the novel is a welcoming addition including a sample of Jodie Bailey’s Quilted by Christmas.
I received this book free from Litfuse Publicity in exchange for an honest opinion in accordance with Federal Trade Commission Guidelines.