Sunday, September 14, 2014

BEFORE AMEN by Max Lucado

"Hello my name is Max. I’m a recovering prayer wimp. 
I doze off when I pray….Some people excel in prayer. 
They inhale heaven and exhale God. 
They are the SEAL Team Six of intercession…..
Can you relate?”

Max Lucado explains that praying is not reserved for special people or the ones considered “Prayer warriors,” yet prayer is for everyone whether a believer in God or not. When praying it is suggested to reveal all sin in detail no matter, what you consider is small or big, old or new, or “evil or insignificant.”  Include in your prayer the need for forgiveness and ultimately your need for guidance to be lead in the right direction and to perform good deeds.

A good discussion Mr. Lucado brings is the feeling of guilt people burden themselves with and do not have the knowledge on letting it go and giving it to God through prayer. Once you pray, you must learn to leave whatever you are confessing with God and not revisit it at anytime. Intercessory prayer is also powerful when praying to cover others than yourself as Jesus did while hanging on the cross praying for his enemies, “Father forgive them; for they know not what they do.” (Luke 23:23, KJV). If Jesus prayed for his enemies who crucified him then we can also pray for those who do not have good intentions towards us.

Before Amen, The Power of a Single Prayer is a book encouraging you to pray for yourself and praying intercessory prayers for others leaving it with God and never to be thought of again. I recommend reading and sharing this book with friends, family, and using in study groups.

I received this book free from Thomas Nelson publishing and the Litfuse reviewer program in exchange for an honest opinion in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission guidelines.

      Meet the Author:
More than 120 million readers 
have found comfort 
in the writings of Max Lucado. 
He ministers at the Oak Hills Church 
in San Antonio, Texas, 
where he lives with his wife, Denalyn, 
and a sweet but misbehaving mutt, 

Find Max online: 

Pre-order a copy of Before Amen by 9/29 
and receive a FREE ebook copy of Max's best-selling 
Second Chances: More Stories of Grace.

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