Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Casting Shadows Everywhere by L.T. Vargas, Smarmy Press

Who is Jake you say?

“Killing someone is a lot harder than you’d imagine….See, I was someone get strangled once when I was 9.”

Jake is a teenager who keeps a journal of different occurrences in his life. The person he looks up to is his cousin, Nick. The person referred to in the above statement is 13 year old Tony Vasser, a fellow classmate. From a short distance Nick sees Tony attack Jake and takes the matter into his own hands, literally.

Some years later, Nick is 24 and training Jake in the trade of burglary for which he had already been jailed.  During these escapades, Jake pens his feelings for Beth, a school classmate, and topics that are being discussed in his Psychology class. The lessons he learns in his Psychology class relates to Nick’s psychological way of thinking.

One day while at Nick’s apartment, Jake discovers the body of Tammie, Nick’s girlfriend. From that point, everything in Jake’s world turns upside down. What will Jake do now? Does Nick know he discovered Tammie’s body? Is he still an apprentice of Nick, or does Nick become an apprentice of Jake?
L.T. Vargas has written this novel as a conversation between Jake and the reader. It made me feel as if Jake were talking directly to me. I could not personally relate to any of his situations, but I am sure some teenagers will be able to. Adults should read this novel as well, just to keep a watchful eye on their children and whom they hang out with. I recommend this book for both teenagers and adults. Very good read!

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