“I have been a psychologist for over 35 year. Before I went
into psychology, I thought I was destined to be a minister…I helped train
ministers, chaplains and other church officials…I saw layer upon layer of
complicity in sexual scandals and financial fraud…Not all displayed this
behavior, but almost all participated in hiding or ignoring it…This experience
led me to a deeper study of how religion works…What if we took religion out of
sex?” Yes, some church officials are guilty of these charges, and they have
repented, asked forgiveness and will answer to God for their actions. We are
not to judge anyone for his or her sins against the Father. They are only human;
they are not perfect men as Jesus was.
Dr. Ray states who will benefit from reading his book,
“…young and not yet experienced in marriage…in a new relationship….married 10
or 20 years or more…if you are religious…” It seems he wants to reach out to
those who have been taught by their religious leaders and parents that religion
stops them from being able to have a satisfying sex life.
Further, Dr. Ray says that religions are changing their
views and but does not change who we are. He further comments that the basis of
their foundation comes from obsolete text located in the Koran, Bible, Book of
Moron and other biblical teachings. Nothing in these holy books are considered
obsolete or outdated to those who believe in them. In the Bible, Proverbs 22:6
says, “Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will
not depart from it.” The Amish, for example, raise their children up in the
church. At age fourteen or fifteen, they experience the traditional Rumpsringa.
They are given the chance to learn how the secular world operates. Afterward,
the ‘youngie’ are free to choose whether they will continue in their faith. A
little known fact is that 85% out of 100 of these teenagers return to the Amish
Chapter 4: Did Jesus Masturbate? “If he existed, he
probably did at some point in his adolescence….If Jesus was asexual, he might
never have masturbated….Maybe he was eunuch from birth. In that case how can a
eunuch give advice about sex and marriage?” Luke 1:35 “And the angel answered
and said unto her, The Holy Ghost shall come upon thee: therefore also that
holy thing which shall be born of thee…” Jesus was part of the Holy Trinity:
Father, Son and Holy Ghost. He came through the Holy Ghost in the form of a man
who was perfect without sin. He was neither asexual or a eunuch, he was a
spirit in the body of a man.
“Growing up in a religious environment….they learn that
some practices or ideas, such as homosexuality, lust, masturbation and
pornography are sinful.” “Sexually inhibited or frustrated people will
eventually express sexual energy, but in ways that may be destructive of self
or others.” In my opinion, if their walk with God were strong enough they would
not entertain those thoughts, which can or will cause guilt or shame Dr. Ray is
speaking on.
I received this book free from IPC Press for this review
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