Wednesday, February 26, 2014

The Power of Visual Storytelling by Ekaterina Walter and Jessica Gioglio

“Pictures are the basis of our storytelling, but no one seems to want to admit it.” A picture will attract my attention to look at an ad, a book cover, or magazine. If you think about it, it will attract you also.

This book starts with the history of visual storytelling, giving key statistics for marketers. There are different types of visual content that is employed in marketing. Sometimes it is used in conjunction with text or word art. The types of content discussed are videos, photography, graphs, and cartoon images just to name a few.

Chapter 2 includes the seven elements of visual storytelling and its importance in visual marketing. Chapter 3: Power of the Platform, discusses storytelling on social networks such as Pinterest, Facebook, YouTube, Twitter, and others. I must investigate the lesser known, Slideshare and Vine. Each social media outlet has its own in-depth section. Ekaterina and Jessica share how to engage with the audiences.

Chapter 4: Brand & Product Marketing and Chapter 5: Real-Time Marketing delves deeper into creating your ultimate visual storytelling goals. They ask the question, “…how do you make the centenary commemoration strike a chord with a younger, more tech-aware audience?” It is all explained, with examples, in this section.

The Notes section is a list of reference links for all five chapters. This, in itself, is an excellent resource of information. I recommend this book for business-minded individuals and professionals wanting to take the next step in branding themselves.


I received this book free from McGraw-Hill Publishing for this review.

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